Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"It's 1985, what can I say?" -Steve Jobs to Playboy regarding

RT @davemorin "If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You..." #andblindrenoandthewhateverisresponsibleformuchofwhativeseenandfeltthisfarisnthelpingandinfactcausedthishurtandreaction #dontbepartofthesecretivemonolithicworldthatattackedandhurtmerepeatedlyandiwontavoidorfearwhateverbehaviorprotocolsunderlyit #itmakesense

Trying to blindly and hurtfully/destructively force fake love or marriage on ??? instead of ???


Who? Specifically? Who else? Who else is present?

Let's see a show of hands and a stack of 1 to 4 page hand-written, from-the-heart essays about the past, present, and Future in light of whatever question is at hand.

And then we get to ask questions.

How am I supposed to have any remote sexual attraction/interest/desire towards my torturers and abusers of my existence?

Simple question.

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