And while I'm thinking about it, may I humbly suggest Bieber and the Flobots collaborate on a few "well-balanced" tracks by linking the Flobots older/alpha-grade political content with Bieber's super marketing machine and brand recognition. Just have them lay down a few verses that cut into some of Bieber's new upcoming material, and write the lyrics in multi-layered 'twebownetz' that the little girls might not get now, but they might get (if designed/written/engineered right) later to have much deeper coded meanings in relation to all this other nonsense hidden right in front of everyone for the better. #bringtheSOULoftheGENESISofhiphop/rapback #screwthatottomanhumpingsh7tiheresomanyartists(not Justin)aremakingthesedaysEVENASTHESYSTEMCRUMBLES #soyeah,dearpopartists,wannaimpressmeandgetsecretuntouchableanddeservedpowerandpresencewithinthespaceship? #writelyricalCONTENTthatcanatleasthangwithorunderstandthekindofsh7ttheFloBotsare"whining"about #becausetheFloBotssaved2010forme
I suppose if other pop artists have any interest moving themselves back into my good graces they could also take a couple hints from the FloBots lyrics and feel free to mix such material and artists in with their own stylings, but it's only because this is literally the part of history that will be considered "Armageddon" in many respects, so it would be a good opportunity to start creating and adding content that is a solution to some of the problems rather than a cause of them.
Don't be all rich and famous and insulated and ignore the problems and most clueless elements of your audience, discover then directly address the problems to solve them with these mega amp tools (like the microphone and global networks), and if you're remotely good enough, you can create multi-layered, deep, Good, and cool content all at once.
*Lady Gaga sobers up, snaps back, finds her phone and exits the club on a mission to improve the herd of monsters instead of just
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