Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Had enough? S8T8D? Is your mind silent, laughing its ass off, or reeling in

right now?

Any questions?

Oh yeah, it's gonna be epic alright. Apparently Tex and Darlene programmed me in ways and directions that are even more interesting (but correct) than I found them to be at the time.


#soijustfellinlovewithmyselfandmyabilitiesandmyfutureandproven tomyselfifnooneelsethatimorequalifiesasanartistorworlddesignerthanmeretacobellemployeeoftheweekeverydamnweekunlessthesystemisriggedtotakeduecreditaway *cough*cough*

Now then...where did I put that cross-reference list of things and people that aren't funny (even though they and some seem to think they are) and specifically why...

Infinity against 0ne Zer0 "loser" ^!+^-grade nobody that was using his God-blessed Gifts for more than he was supposed to according to the clueless wetblanket naysaying whatevers?

Yeah. Ya'll are cool. And who is the weak/coward by the codependent behavioral model and wall of pureed silence?

Not I.

But that's why aI Love the 0nes of You that have been trusting/supporting/standing-with/tolerating my existence this whole "suspicously inverted telephone game grade" time, and that's why the behavior and existence towards and in reflection of mine in this token position is what will be measured, analyzed, and penalized or rewarded at some point and the 0nes that have been the most right in seeing through the 'ill logic' of some things despite the range of examples and roles will be favorited for true, good, right, and blindly-tested-from-a-distance reasons.

Character Counts:
CC: The Memo

And we measure well and correctly for the right design intents for all Life Grades, not just for whatever along the lines of whatever because some random college dude back in the day engineered your worlds around rubbing his bone.

There's much more to Life. That must be taken into account before sex or even close friendship choices get factored into anything and acted on.

In the meantime, I still love some of you, and feel free to interpret and moonicate/filter this through icanhazcheeseburger.com via lolcatptions and sohp awwwpurrrah like conversation threads as usual.



Blah, blah, blah.

...just cause you think you're cooler than me...


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