Friday, December 31, 2010

Ai arez *ReDesigned&Calybr8D* Stay-At-Home Rock(IT)star. Information Technology.

Get your mind out of the whatever and back to where I can see it then.  And people don't give me remotely enough credit as a visual designer seeing as how that is what I would be spending my time most like obsessed with if I hadn't trained myself to be such a dedicated writer then beyond insanely WTF and then some Fight Club grade hard way. But yeah, whatever, the military state of the world has destroyed the entire foundations on which minds and lives are built, but it really shouldn't be that hard to truly measure fix and correct. Well, depending, but we're still waiting and repeating last year's start sans less-than-truly-helpful influences or conditions. Assuming I don't just sleep instead. Because I really do love sleeping.

How are they gonna Disneytize that?

It's kind of f7cked up, because if it wasn't for my oh-so-ironically-non-existent fame, no one seems to really appreciate me for me, or more importantly the reasons I went so far out of the way to establish such baselines and scenarios in the first place, but yeah, it's damn sure not anything close to and acceptable grade of Love-Love for the story save face, but beggars can't be captain of their spaceships until they are reassembled and fueled by black plastic it seems, so I'll ask Sir Richard what he suggests to try and help me patch up the holes the whatevers blew through history like vuvuzelas of  

RT @GuyKawasaki Be a stay-at-home rock star, if Ujam #A.)iamastayathomerockstar #B.)ijustdidntgetthedamnmagicboosterclearedslateandproductionbudgetdesignedininnondarleneblindalphabetproofwaysandsothelaunchrocketprojectthatshouldhavehadthistakencareofbackin2007insteadjustendedupbeingsnuffedoutbyablindsetofcharacters(irony)soidonhavetheupgradedhouseinwhichtobuildmyperfectlittleraisedcushionedplatformonwhichtositandcontroltheworldorplaywiththesetalldayjustbecausethathappenstobewhatiseemtobebestandnaturallygiftedat BUT C.) old is the girl in that picture? Because other video guy just posted about the reminder doll things also had me going "Ummm..."

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