Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy the Sparrow. I've been sharing the heels on the loaves of my bread with the local birds next to Platinum Silver Goldfish Nemo's resting spot today. I swear they are smart enough that you can hear them chirping about it when I go out to tear and

 I swear they are smart enough that you can hear them chirping about it when I go out to tear and spread it to share.

Another interesting day in the neighborhood street-side litter. 4th picture upload attempt. How strange. It's just a plank...

Another interesting day in the neighborhood street-side litter. 3rd attempt.

Another interesting day in street-side litter. The pic that didn't upload before.

More words I wrote at the same time.

Words I wrote a month or two back.

Another interesting day in the neighborhood street-side litter.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I made a sign. On a napkin. Don't have much window space not behind the mirrored tint anyway.

I made a sign. On a napkin. Don't have much window space not behind the mirrored tint anyway.  Yet it is a high-traffic 5-lane thoroughfare with lots of occasionally-suspiciously-curious-about-looking-at-themselves-in-the-mirrored-door glass amount of foot traffic.  Yet not exactly the types that I would expect to even haz computers much less WTF is really going on in the world and system that controls every facet of their existence. So... I guess it's just my own little sarcastic rebellious note to myself and past/future mother(s).

Busy day of continued planking ahead.

OMG, I was going to jokingly say #violentflashmobs as a joke and that's actually the report.

OMG, I was going to jokingly say #violentflashmobs as a joke and that's actually the report.

When is the last time you saw the news under gear patterned and asymmetric?

If anyone knows Jesse let her know Jennifer & Charlie stopped by to see her, but apparently lost the note on the sidewalk where I found it.

If anyone knows Jesse let her know Jennifer & Charlie stopped by to see her, but apparently lost the note on the sidewalk where I found it.

See, apparently art is about one sees or reads into things, and that's where it gets fun & tricky.

No Weener Scandal. Uniquely Magically Banded. #29991 Dunno why. Or do I?

No Weener Scandal.  Uniquely Magically Banded. #29991 Dunno why.  Or do I?

Did I?  Did I what?  Know what when?  See, that's why people need to take better notes, because when you remove the instigator and cause/effect nature of conflict relationships from things, all you do is create a new wave of conflict, and the world doesn't have much more room in history for such weak and embareassing situational character flaws, because it meakes the rest of the global Lego villagers look like 

The parade of bad cartoon character completely off base and humane topic commentary continues...

Worry about a lot more than just getting fired.

What he believes about the conception of life within this sexually corrupt realm is just plain evil sabotage of life itself.

The schooling kids at home with the right adults and computers versus being socially and intellectually suffocated and slowed-down in schools of their age peers is something I can accept or at least create programs to test.

I know my entire life growth was stunted, if it that turns out to be intentional by the adults, there is going go be that.

For example, who put super apes that think and act like this is positions higher than me, while ignoring my project?

For example, who put super apes that think and act like this is positions higher than me, while ignoring my project?

Offensive?  Oh f7ck yeah watching the TV and simultaneous devolution of the human species is offensive.  F7ck it, pick ANY country on this planet and I'll show you what's happened with the genetic technology and evolution of varying groups within the species over the course of history.  It's not f7cking rocket science, but all it takes is being a worthless human being to be a liar, nothing exceptional there, and if there was, you would never have a trustworthy foundation by which to gauge.

Here I am playing token unemployed guy blah, blah, blah - and this is the best the system has to put on the stage and then get all cocky about interrupting to talk about coming together?  F7ck no, coming together in the completely wrong ways is what drove mankind into this abyss and onto this brink. The world is not nearly as solid as these clowns and thieves perceive it to be..

Notice it's not a modern carrier, but a basic sketch of the first in class prototype example from when the carrier was first invented.

Clearly in this image where the signal is emanating from is invisible, what's that all about?  Tell Dane Cook not to steal anything of mine.  That is all.