Thursday, January 6, 2011

Yes, I improvised some scrap wood and an old suitcase into...

...a cleverly concealed removable bike rack and car/motorcycle cover holder to fit on the "Kept and Improved Utility Box/Rack" addition to the X37...for a multitude of no-other-options and no-other value from the components except as

Tah Dah!!!

Sure, mock my on-the-spot on hand ingenuity now while I'm building necessary function out of nothing, because in my comical ever-expanding Boxes of Tricks I can carry more of me with Me just in case I need the truck and motorcycle covers needed storage when the vehicles are in use, so now I can save all that cab space. Meh.

It's as much curiosity as to whether I could do it with what I just found lying around...and it seems so.

Mock me to this next song if you feel the need. 

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