Sunday, January 30, 2011

I've always thought some people are just naturally "higher" than others...

...for whatever underlying combination of biochemical activators or reasons of bliss may be there, but I would have to be heavily-out-of-my-mind on drugs to make a splash on the Mystery Science theater 3000-sponsored blues cruise staged dance floor like "tomahawk" here is doing for the camera without very good reason, but we need something to balance out all those fire trucks and military industrial global corporation helm day jobs right?

So on a lighter note, what some "more normal?" people apparently do for entertainment...

But I'm just more low key and Cool Hearted by nature. Call me a wall flower. Call me obsessed with my phone and too drunk-in-love with myself and tripping over thoughts of all the dumb sh7t I do to not care about firing my gun at random strangers moms, especially when the proverbial fish-in-a-barrel at the end of a fun shooting range DVD fallout they've created has serfs and stars alike lost in the same 5#sticky bad (Problems with the mind-control constructs shifting properly?) underlying system designs they were never indoctrinated into paying attention to when signing up, and then when the proverbial MIA Captain starts giving them the 360-degree spinning tour of their own ships and design tolerances, mechanisms, relativities, and limits...every day as the Future of #HoomanKyndZ gets brighter, clearer, and more powerful with every server that comes online like a new braincell for the planet collecting the absolutely mind-blowing tapestry of work in existence, one realizes what it's like being up against an absolute out-of-the-impossible torrential deluge of existence reminded from above, the only tragedy is in the realization there is just too much...

But unlike floods of liquid that can be a bad thing depending on the inescapable context and channels upon which it falls sometimes, in terms of the allegory for Infinite Amazing Infotainment and Laugher, it's a good thing, and *RealEYZZ*, there is more of that Infinite Beauty then you will ever be able to consume within one lifetime, and when there is ("What?") THAT degree of Power and Magic at work in every element of every thought of every program just waiting to be UPdated...well, it's not rocket science, but the predator/Prey power dynamic is all wrong at it's very base core foundation, because the entire concept of conquest requires achieving/acquiring things of value, and if some others have already lowered those things of value to the specific range of rolllls and interactions that they have, and the economy whoa, and the peak oil whoa, and the globalization debalancing whoa, and the last-decade whoa, and the traffic and ???? 4 year delay-of-Game whoa...and then just take any sample litmus test of what the standard "forced" pop culture fodder content is compared to the Absolutely Amazing Kinds of Priceless Gems 0ne can find on and get lost in all-day-long laughing...with no nuclear-toxicity-to-the-truth-full-security side-effects, which would allow the world some more fitting room options to check things out and request alterations if need be before wearing-out or God-knows buying the clothes that now represent your material child instead of that bread alone.

Blah, blah, blah. Certain does look like fun though, but I ask, you know how modern history attacks Nero and all the insanity of ancient Rome for whatever reasons they do? K, since sex, money, power, drugs, and old world dark ages secrecy seem to all be common elements in the equations that weigh men down as being enslaved to the machine they created, I just watch television and they wonder if history is going to see this generation through a shaded label of 'terroristic" and fault the presently-alive-and-in-control-of-the-ship-and-its-(unsustainablle)-direction generation for putting the circumstantial equational atmospheres of their individual bubble-like POV future in bad to questionable scenes because of completely worthless, meaningless, understandably-distracted-by-_____-but... designs and hooman components within them?

And if it were you of the future in no control of which random life Avatar you are born...

What would you at least expect of the birth creature prior to your arrival?

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