...have different pros and cons, but they also have various advantages and disadvantages in relation to one-another and the myriad of tasks and projects possible, but also only in relation to the "state-of-the-art" brand and design options that presently exist in the world in the state that it is in at present.
I sincerely believe mankind is behind on some resource-use-based predetermined design FAIL timeline and the evolution-in-the-use-of-technology-to-that-end ironic wake of running the genius of innovation through an old non-direct-communication-ability-based world military versus military POV to 'advance technology' instead of acting like "GROWN-UPS" (Advanced Beings) and just dropping the entire money-burning war-machine-like logic, but some of my friends and our parents are a little slow on envisioning DaVinci ahead of his time in light of the thinking styles and conditioning that have sooooo many impacts on so many lives for reasons that, when you truly step back and look at anything you're doing, believe, believe you are or are a part of, when you really step back and look at everything, it makes it REALLY hard to have complete absolute conviction about of the myriads of various combinations of elements that exist, but this is just and additional paragraph I just added when I actually came back to proofread and touch-up this post.
I never understood how people could have computers all as beige boxes and just accept them that way ever since they existed as such, but without the funds to launch one of those random creative company 'solution-based' designs amongst the other entire list of business ideas and inventions I've had and been just sitting on my entire life while more afraid of bad apples and commitment than keeping pace with "normal" life itself, but my solution was to have both.
Although the Apple was/is fancy and the top-of-the-line and Hollywood standard, since it broke so much at first, rendering it unusuable, and I've always used PCs my entire life, I just bought an additional cheap PC laptop and used it while my $2000+ 17" MacBookPro just sat there with a blown battery, dysfunctional DVD and hard-drive for like the better part of the entire time I had it. I simply adapted back to using the PC instead and completely forgot about it. Until I realized the extra full-coverage AppleCare warranty I had also acquired for it was running out, then I sent it in to be rebuilt just in time. So although I kept running on the PC perfectly fine and well while the Apple was broken, forgotten, and in-the-pits, when I finally got it back all shiny, new, and completely functional-like as I ordered it, I went back to using the Mac just because I had already bought it and it was so fancy and an ego-saving counter-balance to some of the more interestingly questionable stratas of existing playing this dumb WTF-is-really-going-on game I've been playing, cause when I don't have tricked out vehicles or hand-designed and decorated houses or fitness-magazine-cover-shape muscles to hide behind like social brand shields, I was forced to experience the world from some very trying perspectives to say the least, and since the whole project was to do just that while illustrating the supra-religious God-like entertainment power of the synchronized TV and computer networks 'synced' in the right ways with the right content and narrative direction, it's been a nice mini-Dreem World illustration box and the rest of the nonsense has somehow conditioned me from not being able to get myself to sit down and write to save my life (because it was too boring), now that I reprogrammed myself and have inspired so much interesting stuff from all over as was hoped and intended, it's become this beyond ironic behavioral habit/addiction in itself, and the only/best/intended illustration that can be used for is the exact same "a box to live in, and air conditioner, and TV/internet screen & connection" and we can save the state of life for many by just creating and offering hybernation-like low impact/cost solution to ride out any upcoming additional economic drama.
And once I was using the Mac again, when the Jaguar needed a computer I gave her the PC laptop to use for the year or s before I could get her a new one after I had finally saved up enough money while in that WTF-was-I-doing-there-again? job playing Marketing Director or whatever. Sigh.
Oh, sh7t, I'm sidetracked.
Damn me just giving myself away for your entertainment with the presumed assumption this will all at least partially have an impact on the world in any ways that it happens to have an impact upon you or me, because I haz Style and Vision, aiz just hazn't had teh "Right" connections. Ironically beyond ironically enough.
That's what I keep saying. The system has some seriously questionable byproduct flaws and not enough sex-orphan-based-society safety nets and preemptive Quality of Life protection programs.
Social securiwhat?
Apple Captures Third Place in Global PC Sales - PCWorld
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The point would be to know enough about and have access to both enough to simply be able to choose as need or project warrants, life isn't a f7cking all-or-nothing equation on computer platforms, just in regard to the software compatibility dynamics (again, irony) surrounding it, but compared to how hoomanity is doing with its own brain processors and program options...has anyone seen those trillions of dollars spent on stupidity I could otherwise be using to build my global roller coaster network with?