Sunday, January 30, 2011

I like the production style/theme of the International Auto Show...

...can you imagine a time when cars didn't exist?  Trains?


See, as far as the evolution of our species as an animal/creature goes, we existed for hundreds of thousands of years throughout history, and somehow managed to be happy-and-functional enough all that time, yet since we are a creature that can reproduce so many times within the cycle of our now God/devil-like manufactured override of the entire realm in which we exist, you'd think the least we (errr *some* humans) could do is be a lot more careful in our approach to existence and potential impacts on the future, or at least a A LOT less secretive and completely convinced about whatever designs are presently in play considering the fact that, by default, no human on this planet has a full understanding or grasp on just what we are as creatures and how we work compared to the entire historical design and function of this planetary system as a whole.

In the meantime, like I said, if the Benz has gull-wing doors, then it gets my attention and can even get away with wearing Yellow.

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