Sunday, January 30, 2011

For Example an almost Idealistically Perfect Example of Irony in Motion

And speaking of making an absolute illustrative mockery of the flaws in blind-profit-only-based crowd-viewer-ratings-driven television content creation and production guiding the vertical direction attitude of the cycles of generational cause-and-effect....ummm...


...they told me A was for apple. WTF?

Never got a talk on the birds and bees assuming I might have agreed with the base herd allegory on that one in the first place.

That is even more hilarious now, because that is not the picture I selected to upload to that caption, then computer just set a new leap-of-whoa record in doing that just now much to my highly amused surprise, but I digress, because this is the picture that was supposed to go with that previous caption...and if it uploads a different one this time...




Which side of your central body cavity is your Heart on?

Is that stage right or stage left? K, now is that camera right or camera left?

What have you dedicated the largest parts of your life to? What do you think about and consume your mind and existence on this planet with most every day? How widely does that vary and how has it evolved throughout the course of your eternity?

What Does Google's Subtle Censorship Say About Us? - Eli Rosenberg - Technology - The Atlantic

K, now are your "political" views/positions/stripes/POV/conditoned-expected-perception-and-valuation-based-on-a-fractional-percentage-of-time-like-everyone-else-is- based on what's best for yourself?

What's best for some unrealistic idealist easy-on-paper black/white extreme?

What's best for yourself, but only in consideration of "everyone" else?

What's best for everyone else or some other without regard for yourself?

What positon makes sense monetarily versus socially given the (hang on, let me count them all...) 2 options presently available in consideration fo all the other flaws in designs and the entire TRUE spectrum of what the Hooman creature is capable of being when not seen and treated as a cow or livestock of just one use, sort, and label or another.

I mean, that's like calling me just a _____.

And/or others just saying/doing the most important and powerful things on Earth that in turn forced-comprehensively affect their own behavior, real-world-atmospheric-grounding-itself, and ability to see and feel and think clearly, especially in moments of biochemical override, so any/all rhetorical communication (religion/government/team/company/association/family/culture/experience-of-life-itself) must be seen, judged, and called for exactly what it is - which at this point, according to that new sarcastic but REAL, TRUE, and BRILLIANT periodic table and a whole fleet of token topic-sheet documentaries, is a whole Zoo full of the-only-state-of-the-Art-we've-got-at-the-moment grade hoomans programmed with technically-functionally-and-partially-savable-dinosaur-grade-technology trying to explain to God, the 7th grade Science Fair Project Class Teacher/Judge why they/Us, as a species, are so FAIL and far behind when the is so much of what exists destroyed and wasted with little to no if not ultimately negative benefit while there is so much needless suffering and misery in the oversights and apathetic tolerances of so many designs themselves.

Sure, I realize the excuses "blah, blah, blah" the entire ancient story of f7cked-up-beyond recognition entire story of history of examples of what to do and what not to do and what works and what doesn't work and what kind of sometimes works on some but not on others with and entire array of interesting results in the wakes or whatever, but what "God" wants to know is, like stupid (irony) f7cking me who was wasting all that time off the radar before this global internet video-streaming-capable, if we're so smart and advanced and all the systems and things that are being done right and well enough that they can be authoritatively forced onto other realms of existence as some ultimate acceptable comprehensive solution that lowers and reprograms all humans involved to that lowest-but-most-powerful of frequencies from the start as a WWII era solution for a different world, then why don't we already have all the pre-requested, pre-needed, ultimately-going-to-happen-anyway pieces in place (new language. new multitude of Life/system/"religion"/Role path tests, options, programs. a collaborative-above-competitive underlying approach to all human necessity and option accessories. a focus on a singular common zero-lost-in-translation/communication foundational model.) and just waiting on the technology that is already now here as they should have been instead of the world coming to a crest that is looking more perfect stormish because the preexisting min

What Does Google's Subtle Censorship Say About Us? - Eli Rosenberg - Technology - The Atlantic

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