Monday, January 31, 2011

The additional iron y.

See, if Charlie wasn't so damn magic and fancy and special or whatever, then he wouldn't have to live in a gated community, and they I could just take and afternoon and go show up on his doorstep just to actually get some damn specific answers about the true relativity of it all behind the walls, but that brings us to the irony...

Hell, imagine what I could learn in 3 months replacing this guy...

How much does me make? Is it enough to restart my unemployment IV?

See, but the crazy paradox of toying with chemicals that toy with you chemicals that affect your experience of life and ability to think and toy with chemicals is a circular-trajectory model, kind of like America in using money as the drug with no concern for the audience and population itself, in that it seems to be an increasing-in-amplitude oscillating pattern (by nature - duh), and without the clear research and #KarynRRR-type self-protective licensing/leashing with the "seriously dangerously fun" stuff, well, it doesn't matter how smart, or beautiful, or rich, or famous you are past a point, because the nature of the beast is pretty clear if we actually had a transparent 'Supra' social model to track this stuff...but celebrities like Charlie who have been doing it for so long and have been through it so many times know the experience and so it's just a matter or enduring the price for all the other time spent not paying it.

Coke is his wife. Denise Richards was just some butterfly. The porn house? Well, it's a funny story that he touched on some of the stuff like that, because it opened up a whole list of explanations, ideas, and wow...I doubt there will even bee enough porn on the internet to get people with no imaginations of their own off, better keep making lots of fresh porn, but a warning, in the future the baby Jesus narrative is completely different, because this ia programming and tuning issue, not necessarily about any of the critters caught up in it at the moment...unless they somehow do things intentionally hurtful and evil to innocent non-involved which case, that's when you go, who gave who what right?

I'm all about having fun, but I separate the drugs from sex and sex from strangers, and in a perfect world...well, it would take a lot more time to detail, but the only fail in so much of what I see is the ironically pointless and destructive wastefulness as the human animals learn to push their buttons like little mice left to their own devices in cages, but like that kid marshmellow experiment and a multitude of other designs across the spectrum and throughout human history illustrate, humans are simple and stupid creatures that can easily become victims of their own thoughts and designs. But it happens.

But this is the exact point I was making about how men have destroyed any power or balance of the true child or feminine in our society by making it a world in which Denise Richards and andy random porn star are in the same role...and that'sa kind of heartbreaking, because when I saw Starship Troopers I had never seen her before and thought 'wow' or whatever, and then fast forward to 2K11 on the heels of 2K10 and 2K9 and 2K8 and 2K7 and 2K6 and 2K5 and...well, it's just been one of those decades, and when my motives for achievement were based around somehow winning those kinds of girls, but never those kinds of girls as they actually exist and have to other men, much less men who clearly don't give a sh7t about them except as sex objects, and the women are fine with that, well, as one of those men that measures everything else by the relative male comparison and association standard - yeah, everything I was ever after in the first place is gone and apparently never remotely existed in the first place except as lies and my unexpectedly superhuman ability to change myself and adapt completely out of "normal" pattern behavior into actually behaving in ways that honored those lies...and after 30 years, yeah, that does hurt at the core.

There's so much ugly, pointless lose-lose tragedy in the world it just makes it hard to understand, but everyone's different I guess.

How much does he make?

Oh, and SPEAKING OF THAT BP PROBLEM....*ding*ding*ding*ding*ding*...

Why aren't there doctors in charge of the Coke?

Why my last token experience of Hollywood and $700 invested in iOWest destroyed from the inside-out by people with opinions and agendas and very hurtful words and actions that were so far out of line and clearly sourced from some insanely...I'll stop here before I get worked up, but yeah, it's f7cked up, and if the system is responsible for it, then the system is to blame.

I've seen enough of the Hollywood fast lane to know how stupid and irresponsible the candy distributors are compared to me. That's was I momentarily was one. F7cking duh. But being the one who took a scientific approach to everything and did considerable research and even printed instructions website links and all sorts of stuff to protect the f7cktarded herd grade humans from themselves, what I learned being in the club scene is just how f7cktarded the status quo and system is compared to me. I'm not talking about Charlie or the "alpha"-level stars who are at least intelligent and well-steeped enough to know what's what and typically handle it well-enough even through these whatever staged resets, I'm talking about, the system as it exists puts these same chemicals into the hands of the local 'shoe' guy, and then from his you-couldn't-choose-or-design-a-more-irresponsible-distributor hands to the kids and girls and anyone with the money.

And THAT is just one of the currently blindly/retardedly/incorrectly blended-together effects of the world as it presently stands.

It's just one of those things. Could you life go by without ever being exposed to coke and you be just fine without the experience? Yep. Before you ever do drugs, do you realize that they are more powerful than you, and the safest/easiest/sometimes only way to stop is not to start?

I did. So by the time another 3 years went by and I was suddenly smack dab in the middle of following the wrong "angel" straight into hell, I made the most of being king of a scene I had no interest in or care for, by leaving it to save my belief in all that is right, and instead eliminated the negative influences from the equation and dropped the entire scene like a bad habit. That is why some things annoy me more that I let on. Because I know and even taught some people all they know before getting away from all the dumb bullsh7t because it was just to find the nature of the problem and understand it for my autobiographical documentary, never to risk my priceless life and future at the mercy of that completely hit-and-miss comically blind and absurdly authoritarian system design... I guess some of them made a point of oh-so-foolishly illustrating over the last for years on candid camera as their non-evil buddies and the audience watched on like WTF?

Oh, it's WTF alright, but it's WTF on levels no one can even remotely appreciate yet, and that is the real kicker and torture. The alchemical rollercoasters aren't the problem, only making them available, in the dark, and at/from the hands of the least qualified people I can think of is - and boom goes the dynamite.

No worries though. History is long and there are lots of examples for the far-less-worse, and I still overcame the bullsh7t to regain my whateverness that I never lost, just misdirected for very long periods of time, and it will be the ultimate PSA of some sort at some point, but the difference is it will be based on real and true to explain and protect people with the truth, not D.A.R.E. them to buy weed from gang members.

It's amazing how, if systems designs were to FAIL and fall, it would be really easy to understand why. The foundations have been removed from the top-down and inside-out since long before anyone alive today was alive. I mean, yeah, it works, kinda, but when there are no ultimate trophies to be won and millions are unemployed and in far more dire situations than the cast of Two and a Half Men as a result, I don't know if that 300 is the number we really need to be most concerned about.

At any rate, I wish him well. Too bad he isn't actually accessible so I could just get a Cliff Notes rundown of the good the bad and the "probably could open the door to ideas for improvement" nature of the designs from the completely lifelong insulated "bad boy" star's POV.

What an amusing world. Chickens...


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