Monday, January 31, 2011

And, OMG! WTF???

When did people start using electrical tape to block out various lines of information on placemat sized checks?

OH!!!! That's just a normal-sized check and that's just a black marker or something. K. Cause I was wondering there for a minute. I was like "WTF is really goin on?", and I guess in a world we placemat-sized checks with electrically-taped blackouts are normal, I would have been absolutely right and "normal" in assuming that's what that was at first glance. Like maybe if we lived in a land of giants or something. But yeah, since we don't, I guess I should have assumed that was just a really big-tipped Sharpie or whatever. Duh.

Anywho, speaking of not letting creative genius go to waste, if I owned the kind of restaurant I would own if I had Charlie Sheen's kind of money for pretending to be other people while still being funny as himself while working ridiculous hours or whatever, I'd totally take my own idea right now and have those made into placemats and hand them out with crayons or pencils just to be a smartass and actually encourage if not require members to decorate or draw on their placemats as part of some contest or minimum creative sense-of-humor when it came to being a member of my dinner club box or whatever.

So in 21st century America, the house that was supposed to be earned by being right and honest and good and helpful and caring and compassionate and respectful in regard to the most precious resource in Earth (human Life Engineered Right), complete with girls that wouldn't be porn stars had they been born heiresses...

Whoops. FAIL. So much for that theory. Congrats on your skatepark. I think I'll just be alone the entire rest of my life.

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