Monday, January 17, 2011

Not to get sidetracked, but... Just how big is Starbucks new drink size? [infographic] - Holy Kaw!

The most incidentally useful part of this infographic is where it mention the average capacity size and range of the hooman stomach. Which can change and adjust. If you're overweight and/or want to remain thin, you adjust your body by eating smaller meals. Your stomach will naturally (over-time) adapt to that and allow you to feel full more quickly with less food, preventing you from consuming excess that would be converted into fat otherwise.

If you don't need the calories, why intake them? If it's that your blind conditioning has led to your body switches not being set right causing you to have the desire to eat more against your best interest (double whammy = taking in too much and then having to go exercise just to burn it off), that learn more about the way the world and your own being works and you might be amazed at how much of what you learn can be seen and cross-applied to other systems and problems in life too.

Just how big is Starbucks new drink size? [infographic] - Holy Kaw!

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