Monday, January 17, 2011

I can relate. It's an evil world. (Because of *some*)

To that man: Record as much of your life and the truth (you, it, EVERYTHING) on video camera as much as possible. Even if the inciting events have passed, just continue to talk to the camera in the meantime about whatever is hurting you. It can help.

I have endured an unthinkable-beyond-words nightmare myself but exponentially worse in some ways and not quite as bad in others (no children, live in LA, etc.). The difference is the evils that clipped (lied/cheated/stole/abused/you-name-it) me, repeatedly, never considered that I might not be alone, smothered, and subject to their continued and indiscriminate abuse forever.

They also apparently didn't get the memo that I am arguably a much much Greater and Better man and Soul than most, and that I had taken on the 'Life Project' of turning my life and existence into a never-before-attempted-or-seen type of semi-self-isolation-to-escape-exactly-such-kind-of-evils autobiographical documentary before any of the evil clowns/characters/whatevers foolishly inserted themselves into my life during various period of that completely vulnerable project (in my house on the hill when I still had one)...with lots and lots and lots of security camera, videocamera, digital still camera pictures and coverage to protect myself completely more-than-erase-any-doubt.

In completely using and taking advantage of my kindness, generosity, honesty and overly helpful and trustworthy soul and resources, they also never considered that I might famous one day, and that at such a spark moment, the entire Universe/reality inversing mountain of "evidence"?/material that has become my life, when simply shown to the people that all these other certain specific bad characters had been lying to, would literally inverse the polarity of all kind of relationships and bring the ceiling crashing down on the monsterously pathological living hell my life had been turned into as a result.

It's not gonna be _____, it's gonna be Vindication with a capital V.

Like the Shawkshank Redemption on steroids. But real. And true. And being written and lived this very moment.

Being stuck in LA having had my life raped of everything but my Mind, Body, Soul and remaining sanity, I have been stuck in that "whoops did the 'good guys' just act evil for 4 years straight (in believing the lies of the beyond-question bad/pathological girls because that blind authoritarian force(s) of 'good guys/girls' handed the ultimate power aren't all good" catch 22, it's hard to even convey, fathom, or calculate the cost and amount of damage and harm that has been wrongly done unto my life and possibly those of millions of others now or in the future "magically aware" of my existence, plight, and project for one reason or another...

But time moves on. And the only way this insane scenario can exist is with a lot of specifc people being on the waaaaay wrong side of things to this very day while any of those with half a real brain or soul to detect the same in others have been suffering with me from a distance, but at some point I will get the production team and broadcast platform to tell the story RIGHT that I requested 4 years ago following the 5-6 "invested" in the on-camera first part of it, and when that happens, the only thing I don't know how to resolve is what's gonna happen to the bad characters when the good ones find out they've been lied to and scarring the innocent in unthinkable ways on the world's political and 'New Entertainment' stage as a result.

The one thing I can do is use any future (well-earned and deserved) fame, fortune, and direct power/control to go back and find and help certain other people I've met along the way that did not wrong me and, in fact, even reciprocated my kindness and rescued/helped me, which is what this whole true-life-character/story of mine was about finding in the first place.

Remind me to check on and help this guy too if/when I ever have the resources to go back to playing 'Savior' instead of victim to a system apparently polluted with sex, drugs, corruption, bullies, and blind stupidity far beyond anything the number 5 alone can deny in the end.

The key designs underlying, influencing, and controlling human existence on this Earth are BROKEN with the collateral damage and signs everywhere. I am the Ultimate living proof. The mountasin/mine of material I've amassed is just the explanation.

Protect yourself with a videocamera. That's all I could do. That's what I did. The lies of some still exist and are responsible for creating the hell-on-Earth some of us presently are forced to endure where Ultimate Dreams were designed and supposed to by now instead, but the day will come when everything is set right.

Don't be evil and distance yourself from friends and others who you suspect may be or have been (words are the #1 tool I've learned they use as weapon followed by sex and money and money or sex depending on whether they are male/female), and you won't have anything to worry about when the diagnostic apparenly still in pogress is complete.

This is not all for nothing though. Literally, a Better World will emerge as a result. The modern dark ages get brighter every day that technology and the hooman evolution of it for benevolent use exists.

Read this plight of his, do anything you can in relation to any of the related sagas.  I'm alone, but I'm not alone inside.

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