Saturday, January 29, 2011

The New Standard(s) Would Be...

Possibly in toleration of similar or latent effects on/already-preexisting-conditions-within-others but ONLY without this absurb and unacceptable 'cap' on the deeply deeply deeply flawed designs preventing standout exceptions like me from acquiring, adapting, and designing-in the best specimens and examples and models I can dream of, think of, or see into my own 'Dreem World' equations and constructs.

What will then happen is, instead of these monsterous designs forcing hell, heartbreak and blind blindsides onto an otherwise presumed-to-be-advancing population of potential perfection and precision, once I figure(d) out how to balance the Love with the Girls with Kids and Attention and Resources to Infinitely Better and more transparently acceptable and pride-creating instead of (ironically) pride-destroying levels, most all others would then have ultimate example they could and would strive to copy in seeing and understanding the entire purpose behind all my designs, tolerance, and patience was to create the ultimate solution to the known and self-evident 'ambitiouspsuedoconquest' equations that drive us while NOT causing ANY harm to innocents with deaf 5!!!! complexes or whatever you wanna call whatever has happened that has turned the world into what it is versus what it could, would, should be.

It's not rocket science.  It's Love Science.

Surely in amassing the most epic and beautiful pool of ^!+^ Women 0ptions on this singular planet to choose from we've already succeeded in setting one Ultimate example even with NOTHING but a few computer-like machines and interwebs connection, from there we can rebuild the World, 0urSelves, and Hooman (and Animal) Kind itself from the inside-out and outside-in at the same time until we have achieved and created and acceptable 'SupraNatural-God-like' level of Respectful and Attentive system design that enhances and increases the value of Life and the planet any/everywhere it is applied down to the tiniest detail.

That sounds like a hell of a lot more fun than labeling death, darkness, destruction, lust, and secrecy as "light" or anything positive or right beyond what it truly is -

RT @GuyKawasaki Humans left trees 4.2 million years ago /// But since mankind already took over the role of "playing God" and creating/breeding manufactured landscapes and behavioral constructs through generations with presently nuclear war/family-grade mindset origins...I'd rather just go ahead and breed Dreem Yachts and NOT destroy them, but instead use the omni-present power of technology and the embedded abilities of the Modern Magical Meme Complex to create different dynamics and ratios and styles and schemes to optimize the human machines without the completely unHoly, unfair, and unthinkable blindsiding and cowardly domination of others.

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