Monday, January 10, 2011

*gets handed over-sized train tickets by that one dude from married with children*

Then the "hero" (sorry I'm playing on the interwebs in the foreground so I'm not really sure about the character names at the moment) hands them back and tells them what they can do with their cape and is then off to find/avenge whomever ruined his life and that of his unborn children and all future generations blah, blah, blah.

Uh oh. Now some other random dude just selected a file named 'Siren'.

Kid on the phone.

Mom on the laundry.

Dana Thompson is her name but it isn't.

She's trying to erase daddy's name?

The kid is named Trip?

But daddy's innocent because the Cape told him so.

Do babies need to be brave?

The hero is now at his base/lair training by having a baseball pitching machine throw daggers at him. Then it starts throwing too many too fast, which just adds to the fact that's one of the dumbest/crazist training schemes I've ever heard of TV action hero fiction or otherwise, but I digress.

Cigarettes are legal. Quick reminder brought to you by a statistically driven anti-smoking commercial.

His cape is at the dry cleaners.

The whiskey maybe poisioned?

0 hai! He has a family too.

Hmmm... blah, blah, blah tattoo of a/the Bolt-like/Gatorade logo deriven from the Taroh card "The Power".

Power     got it.

Some hot chick is fighting for he husband lost unto the system, that I guess might be the superhero character off fighting his way up through some other world.  Hmmm...

The blanket and I still have a love/hate relationship, but it was never supposed to be this way, which seems to be where all that hooman allergic reaction to programming come from based on the crazy 'full-circle-non-full-circle' system design as it exists.

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