Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now, now, need to call it mind crap... /// Lady Gaga Photoshoot | Mindcrap

She supposedly was born that way and Stephanie clearly has sex on her mind.  And why my mind actually found kind if cute and funny with no sound (irony, right?) especially because I have already made the label Supreme so forever eternally cheesy with all my Supreme cheese discovery and documentarianism or whatever. 

Now then, is Lady G going through and alien DNA lack of attention, stimulus, or environment/role-based drug-fueled "Performance Art" phase again?  Or did she just find that kid lost at FedCo and decided she was gunna make a star out of a very unusual way?

Yeah, Darlene would probably never believe much less condone that either, but besides recommending I work at Taco Bell, she often said she didn't care what I did, "be a pornstar for all I care"...oh yes, we see that same recurring "hmmm..." strange role modeling ummm...

Not that I think that is something she should take out of the bedroom and put on public display, but the girl does now how to get attention...but what kind of attention...

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