Thursday, February 24, 2011

"I hope you are." *puts down water bottle*

...not banging on any pianos...just music ally emotional...

So...  There I were, there I were, there I were-  #homeless@theprom...  Finding the street level yet-solid-to-the-core stars of YouTube at random and adding them to the prototype civil union ceremony spectacle line up with the likes of Alien Ant Farm...

What?  You have to do a Google search, find the right characters with the wrong music, understand where it all came from in the first place, do a second search, find the right song and example, then use the Supra Powers of the secretly non-existent Sylvr Force to line everything up correctly and make the final coordinated statement presentation from across the spectrum and around the globe.

I like to dedicate this to the Earf...

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