Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why are these movies so much more well-written and deeply layered...

...with emphasis on *pointing* at the 'Aesope's Fables' like *cough*serious to severe complications and side-effects*cough* besides just showing the sells-itself fun-exploitng natural triggers that can be found and seen in nature...

...depending on relativity and environment.

"Boy, did I get the wrong number." is on next, but I'm supposed to be _________________________escaping the catch 22 "the system" that caused and destroyed the prototype was supposed to way-beyond-rescue-reward-and-at-least-recognize-it-unprecedented-fashion...

And yet instead all it did is try to win by spending untold amounts on creating entire seas of fabricated ill-intended wrongs that can't touch one untouchable right.  WTF?  It's not rocket science to engineer true respect where technology can insure it.  It just takes the will and a wai.

Now their mocking the whole false royal wedding in selling sterling plates of some sort in the commercials too.

Buying historical artifacts are we?

With "whose" money sport?

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