Saturday, January 15, 2011

To be fair, I'll add this dude in the penny stock spam ad to 'fizzies' list fiddy.

And, as with all things, I preemptively attempt to save everyone from sinking themselves further in very telling reactions by once again explaining that many people/everyone are all on different lists for different specific actions, events, whathaveyou as individual people.

That's the way the game of life works. You make moves. It watches and tracks you. Now, since the wonders of technology have made some key things so different in the world, this is where concepts like #hashtags exist but in reality to an infinite point-by-point storyline of your life as a machine in relation to the others and environments in which it/they exists - now, think about the only things you could do or condition yourself into doing secretly that could cause harm to or destroy innocent, undeserving lives born into the gamesphere of existence on this one-and-only-known-chance-at-life sphere planet, and how that would come about happening versus not, and whose fault such a thing would be if it ever did much less so to the point millions of innocent lives were needlessly/foolishly created, destroyed or lost in the wake.

And what if that were you?

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