Saturday, January 15, 2011

Those crazy f7cking Italians... Pictures: Mount Etna Erupts Overnight

One minute, when I think of Italy I think of exotic sportscars and wonderful food.

The next I'm like...errr...they have volcanoes? (it's been awhile since I've had to recall world history, topology, and geography all at once)

0 yai ownz mai birfdai... (assuming it causes no actual considerable harm)

That picture is surreal. Things I never expected to see in the same shot/frame juxtaposed in a way I never thought I would see in this lifetime. As a backdrop to the world financial chaos that undoubtedly consumed and burdens the lives of so many around the globe, that shot of the beautiful-yet-fragile sailboats passing time sitting in the harbor as the lava brings the entire landscape forward/back to a literal new foundational layer is

And "Recent tests, for example, revealed a mineral that hasn't been seen in Etna's lava for 15,000—suggesting a deep new lava source may be fanning the flames...'

For 15,000 what?

Praytell I wonder what mineral that could be...

What amazes me, is with all the other dumb-to-arguably-questionable stuff hoomans have done while existing under their own semi-freeish self-militarized will on this planet, no one has dropped a bomb in a volcano. That I'm aware of.

But if you're ever seen kids poking sticks at an anthill or crawdad hole I guess it's a natural-enough inclination to always consider the full spectrum of objects that could be inserted into others with mixed results as well as undoubtedly quite amusing lists of pros and cons in the wake, but I digress.


Pictures: Mount Etna Erupts Overnight

But real-quick, while I'm on the subject of things that make your brain go boom,

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