Friday, January 14, 2011

There I was, there I was, there I was... Bloggers captured in their natural habitat - Holy Kaw!

Torn between being enraptured by my screen and artfully illustrative of wai seeing Art in damn near everything...or playing Cynderella-get-this-ridiculous-to-do-list-of-far-less-epic-stuff-out-of-my-real-world-3D way first...

Actually seeing this was a moment of tugging then heart-breaking re-realization for me. In that I would see that picture of the beautiful girl sitting along on the couch staring at the screen, onto which by default I paint my 0wn inner-Beauty, and so I realized that same dangerous flaw that I have made in the past - that I can't assume all to be or think remotely like me just because their avatars would be such things of true Beauty and Value if they were, but in the meantime the reason is the difference between me and most you meet is I notice things.

Like the pattern of light on the wall in the lower one is cool, but it's the girl clearly using a non-Mac computer and cable or tilting the screen to that comfortable "happy medium" position that is the reason I bought a cheap windows laptop and used it over my top-of-the-line MacBookPro during 2006-2008..

And Goood... That picture draws me in. The fake superficial candy-like stuff in Maxim and such doesn't really do much of anything for me (because it's fake and to a camera and not real and for the right reasons towards me in person), but just the first-consideration of that top image made me think "Sexy" because it's a given the girl is pretty, it's the title of "blogger" and what she's assumed to be doing with her time above and beyond what some other stereotypical Barbie-doll-grade-blessed types concern themselves and their existences with.

I ♡♡♡ Beings w/ Beauty + Brains.

Bloggers captured in their natural habitat - Holy Kaw!

But WTF is {rvofrqrCvDbiyipqrksrmikjnjrlHEBbyAEFAkfkhnrqyhryIpvauqbuoIFJ/media} in the randomly-generated pic link url?

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