Friday, January 21, 2011

Interpret at will \\\ - Magical Arts Photographic Wizardry

I read the first couple paragraphs and was like,'s just interesting hearing people who say they 'aspire' to work for someone or something else...WTF?


See, that's the difference. We all exist on multiple levels as beings, but if you're getting raped by designs and never even finding the true source, then after certain ultimate-possessions have been taken from you by those you were brought into this existence by and therefore forced to trust...only to find out the entire designs behind their lives and advice are ultimate inverses of everything they programmed and then you programmed yourself to be - that's just f7cked up.

A lot of the designs in the world are presently kinda f7cked up in a list of very cleary and articul8able list of wais if the wakes of inside-out side-effects and irony self-destuction self-evident wherever we go and measure how some creatures take a table full of the material in existence and shape it into one design based on certain things and requiring certain other things versus others, and that's why I aspire to have my Dreem World installed, because the world would be Infinitely Cooler than it is at present, but I understand, in the whole game of life, the joke is, the only way one can go so long without noticing the underlying designs of something is when there are so absurd-beyond-comprehension they actually deny their own existence.

Oh the irony.

Anyway, I digress, I don't know what the hell this is, I just have a list of specific personality-types, situations, and group-dynamic-behavior-character-profiles to stay away from.

Whoa. I just had a flashback to doing extra work a decade ago when just being in the new realm was actually remotely exciting. It makes spotting the pawns my life is spotted with that much easier.

All the better to know

About Me - Magical Arts Photographic Wizardry

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