Saturday, January 15, 2011

If the _____ system is responsible for this, I cannot support that _____ period.

I'm seriously upset to my stomach just from reading this.

And I'm really getting sick of existing in a world that rewards and tolerates evil-minded creatures being allowed to exist and exploit others in the ways some have gone WAAAAAY 2 FAR in attempting to.

Dear world "elite" swingers or whatever the f7ck you wanna call yourselves (do not attempt to use false/misleading/unclear labels remotely in my direction or at my expense ever again please), - until you identify, specify, and clearly find a way to remove and clearly separate and identify yourselves as individuals, you are all in the boast with the worst of the worst in the dark, and I can't sort the tigers or dead whatevera well-enough from a distance to know the difference in addressing one from the next, so if you aren't some run-of-the-mill 'bin homogenized whatever' and still have enough of a unique and value list of only very select 1-on-1 exchanges at worst, then please make whatever creative efforts are required to identify and separate yourself from the puddle, because it means everything to me to be able to find specific examples of people whose behavior, content, and associations can be acceptably seen and trusted outside of the way-beyond-worst-nightmares haunted ghost train station soul sets that presently exist in the clearly corrupted and destroyed beyond words underneath that blanket.

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