Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hotspun high did it in the collegiate years in the gaps in the laps of clear and correct association.


*Correction* ^lapse

As in a _____ of better judgment. Like some of these 'unconditionally worthless except as sex toys' grade operating systems that at least SOME have the courtesy not to bring innocent children of their own into. That needs more-correct direct addressing. "That" meaning: The core of the beings and statutory associative programming.

And ha. At first glance I thought that Fox News screen overlay said 'Date Night Paris'...which brings up that interesting question - how many others initially read/misread it that way as well, and was that the specific, indirect, additional, and completely blind intent of the person who batted it into the machine real quickly and threw it up there for the world to see and then echo in ways like this that...

Anywho, speaking of the breakdown... *crickets chirping*

I can pretty much see people and just read and explain their behavior as bubble-like equations of reference in a digital Lego-like model of existence on some extrasensory level most don't seem remotely equipped with in this "status quo" (to be gentle) "ancient man build gun then some modern non-retard-ape-like-what-so-ever-man have that first/lowest-degree object/body-part association grade way of seeing and speaking things and next thing you know your world is blown-apart from the inside out" manner of seeing existence and state of "pseudofree yet irresponsible all over the place as all f7ck" homogenized (way-too-pureed) reality.

Hey earthlings, when you see everything as the same through the eyes of sex addiction and in-doing-so completely BLIND to all those other key areas and factors that are ripping society and lives apart like numbers with no meaning and no remotely fair or forward-looking infrastructure Back-up Plan... Than what?

But you know what's really crazy? Finding my notes from 8 years ago, seeing all the things I predicted about the world and evolution of technology and sync coming true, and yet still suffering the 24/7 torture of the fact that they are still decades if not centuries ad infinitiummm...and in the meantime all I see are knarled hooman life faucets pouring more fuel on its own fire...and I just wonder...


Is the world currently still suffering from a modern ancient-world psychological plague-like disease of hype and 5's where real lives were supposed to be? But the computers are real, as are the circuits of logic that govern any real living creatures mind, and to try and just paper over those night/day different variables with the same blacked-out markertip doesn't remotely get you A+++'s on these real world finals, because why should it?

So much to say. So much to explain. Luckily reality is the State-of-the-Art Testament, and there is no escaping that, with the added incentive of pointing out that the electrical tape was cited for a multitude of random on-the-spot needs and reasons, but one of them signifying the ability to 'rewire' the hooman machines as need be for them to run 'far more Right', self and all others included. But the fact that most of these lowest-common-denominator are completely the same as one another in certain shallow, myopic, short-term and low-resolution ways, and completely different in the same, or otherwise, in others, just literally throws all the pieces and 'buttons' of existence on the table at once as fair game, and that's why I keep asking, who the f7ck let some people sabotage the lives of others from their own conception, and how the f7ck do we stop all these bad parents/choices before they start?

It's like do and be whatever, but don't dare plan on blindsiding your own God-damn spawn or potentially innocent and purely-valuable reproductions of others with your own complete apathy towards existence and the systems that govern it just because you can.

There are better ways to locks, keys, and Beings, because the key take-away from this whole world-affecting project is

Say what?

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