Friday, January 7, 2011

Anything I momentarily focus on can become 15 minutes-worth of embedded cover sheet nothing.



Since I can't afford Dr. Drew or this book at this point, not that I would have time to read it even if I could (cough also why I need a bedtime story reader cough), but while I took the time to read it and wonder if I could just as easily spruce up the links to each story or whatever I post with some screenshot captures just to give the technology a run-through with no real intent on turing it into another piece of 'embedded sARcasTic subtractive Art' where it turns ever item of string of text/symbols into more of an 'Artfully-Deconstructed roller-coaster approach to analysis as I do many things, and even beyond the actual environment-based theories presented in the book (many of which living proof can be most likely attested to and clearly shown in any real/true case) I spent a sidetracked ??? of my time tinkering with this instead of moving boxes just now.


If linked to the 'Right' thoughts/goals/desires/motivators it can

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