Sunday, March 6, 2011

Which reminds me how crazy this world design itself is... /// 51 hours left to live : IAmA

Does anyone ever stop to think about where life itself comes from?

The way we treat everything in existence compared to how it could/would/should been seen and treated if you just gave me an island-like blank slate and all the ingredients of existence to work with blows my mind.

Seriously.  I mean everything from the on-ramps to the off-ramps to the inverted social designs and all sorts or sh7t, but at least it's nice to see there are sane, intelligent, and compassion souls all got up in it as well as all the monsters out tearing sh7t up and squirting mistakes in all directions, so this gives me great hope - when people see superior designs they will at least completely recognize, understand, and feel them, even if they were not capable or positioned to invent/create them themselves.

So much infinitely more to add.  Thumbs and cellphone keypad alone cannot remotely even begin to start.  Just really, really, really hope modern society isn't going to be seen as full-blown cancer on this living planet that is the the base of ALL life itself.




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