Saturday, March 19, 2011

How much of my writing is done via Twitter now? Why? #casestudy #dontattack #researchbetterfirst

#winning by cheating and lying and stealing and denying in an already corrupt to cancerous system and then labeling it #winning while smwarinn certain keyword association values is indeed #pissing or attempting to piss very near or on top of things...but all the machine is doing is watching the human actors on the world's stage, not buying, believing, or in any way fully accepting what is being sold by the branding and labels on the package, that's why watching the world in this ultimate *digital lights turn on* caught state of corruption is hilarious, but seeing how the monetary control levels that program it are so socially destructive that they rip apart families for paper alone...while blatantly turning a defensively offensive blind eye to the truth and the details that can never truly be overpainted again as in history...which is odd. But I'm watching the saga unfold. Do go on. As a matter of fact, @charliesheen (cc: @carlosestavez @alexaltalol ) I'd be FAR MORE INTERESTED in hearing about your childhood programming before the "charlie sheen" kicked in in combination with the environment without ropes to draws lines in places that ****here it is**** THE SHEEP MIGHT NOT BE TRUSTED WITH BLINDLY SEEING INCORRECTLY, LEST THEY MIMIC IT, AND BOOM GOES THE _________ITE... *time-out* /// Alyx'sTeaM: Hooston, was that our core driving engine when we found out the blueprints on which it was based and fine-tuned were: A.) Have you even done the research to form and have a worthy opinion on some things? B.) How in God's name can I create and write the deepest, most compelling and brilliant content to spark conversation EVER in the history of this antiverse, and these peoples' world printouts show they have been programmed with... *Peter Joseph PR steps in to professionally speak for me on this topic as I just toss test scores up in slideshow form like it's hilarious but only in the tragedy of the stupidity on display as entertainment* See, the funny part is, when I decide to start sarcastically modeling the legal pitbull wannabes behaviors, but of course with the ultimate core foundation of true character and story and first-person/0-person footage behind it, in addition to all these #bricks that people have been calling net on... Ummm... #tiawkwardger I mean #seeeeeriously. The nature of the technology beast itself is putting pressure on the entire human species to rethink itself in the context of all-powerful technology. And if the world is to be completely reengineered to 'Improved 2 Acceptable Playground Standards', then shouldn't we have a talk about remote any/everything ya'll? Lemme know. You boys that went outside the core designs of the human being itself might wanna not be proud of how the story has been pushed and allowed/forced to go thus far. I mean, we all pee, but how and where that happens is the kinda shit that can be traced and compared, and so when it comes back to that "normalized" social behavior template, just because your "friends" are doing it...

How can you watch that lecture on social pathology, see the machine and how it operates, see how people use things to harm other people, see how people misuse labels, and then still be remotely OK with feeling any of the true previous assumed glory or grandeur of being a stand-out or "winer" we the system design on which you existence as such is built hasn't even been factored in. I mean, we're all people, we're all human, but how we treat one-another, and how some behave compared to others is a topic and subject of much research and speculation for a reason...

Look at where mankind has been killing mankind. Our societal design itself kills the planet for NOTHING BUT STUPIDITY IN PASSED-DOWN DESIGN ALONE. It's bleeding this very moment. Nothing is stopping it. The criminally comfortably numb system design itself is preventing even the challenge of something greater even reduced to its more unrepresentatively humiliating and artificially lowered lowest form.

Trust me - in the long run - you can even address that.

Except in tears perhaps. I'm so pissed I set out to prove the Ultimate American-with-a-Cause Dream and it met such patches of f7cked up opposition. The Earth belongs to the Future.

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