Upon first just reading the title and description without listening to it, I thought of a clip from that upcoming movie 'Paul' the Slacker Alien I had seen in a commercial where he brings a bird back to life and then eats it with the punchline "What? You didn't expect me to eat a dead bird did you?", but then when I actually began listening to the audio clip I was refreshingly surprised and impressed with the style of this recording I had never heard before.
It sounds like Ira? (forgot his last name) from that one 'This American Life' NPR show, but what I like is how they layer the narrative audio over the actual interview audio. See, keep in mind I've never read a book all the way through in my life, so I literally have the entire world of content to learn and choose from in that regard in order to paint with in the future, but the way this "flows" in my mind as I listened to it is so, so, so much better than reading. Which is why I expect (or at least hope) to have any books I need to read in the future to be read to me as bedtime stories like this. It really engages my imagination and lets me follow along, even while doing chores in the background, but that's beside the point. Back to the substance of the actual story...
Having kept myself so isolated over the last decade, there are only a handful of name/person associations I have when it comes to some things, and when the story used the name Emily in this context, I thought of the Emily that was a Laker girl at the same time Candy was, because Emily seemed like a sweetheart but was also suffering from the side effects of seeming to be caught up in a faster lane than Candy and I were.
When I met her I remembered thinking how pretty and nice she was, yet was kind of scared of her because she used to be Crazytown's girlfriend and had been addicted to coke before and such, which at that time was still waaaaay wild, crazy, and incomprehensible to "Mr. F7cking Perfect" country heart boy, b/c at worst Candy and I would go out and do e once in awhile at that time, usually with me being drug-along into it because I always just wanted to stay home and watch movies or create art or home decorating projects and chill, but Candy was the "everybody look at me" party girl type that was living with me during this time, so if I didn't go along she would just go out on the down and do drugs without me, so I really didn't have a choice. :(
Anywho, Emily was nice, but she was caught up in that fast lane life that I couldn't stop Candy from running into, which is one of the main reasons our relationship didn't work out (besides her cheating on me and lying to me about it and all sorts of sh7t that completely destroyed the trust and ruined the foundation), so when Candy and I broke up and she was out partying with the Laker girls and Emily all the time I wasn't surprised, because that's what she clearly wanted more than anything I had to offer, but Emily was always cool and nice-enough to me...even before I was anybody special. :)
So, in retrospect all the signs are there that Emily represented a 'type' of girl I guess many other bombshells in LA and other major cities can be compared to, and now that a decade in the future I find myself trying to reengineer options for the world and all these classes of girls in one fell swoop, to have that name attached with that character role in the story makes sense because it's something I can see and relate to from a distance, and I have no idea what that actual Emily has through or upto since last time I saw her dancing during a Lakers game or in some pictures of Candy's from the 2.5 year period when she went MIA before coming back destroyed and in "evil" form, but hopefully whatever scars that world left on her and all those types that go that route aren't as bad as the ones Candy left on me as a result of just knowing the before and after versions.
Anywho, hope everyone is well, there is nothing more tragic and painful than seeing exceptionally sweet and beautiful creatures destroyed by far less sweet of beautiful ones simply because of the nature of the world as it exists in regard to money, fame, blah, blah, blah. I suppose that's why I want to create my 'Brand' of Women that requires standards while causing them to be seen, treated, and respected as objects of Love and Worth instead of plastic bags while creating that aura of 'don't even try to f7ck with this one' type of protection from the dirty money and souls that have been allowed to become far too rampant in our society, so I'll consider this progress.
And up, up, and off I go...
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