Wednesday, March 2, 2011

About all this nonsense....

To be honest, I see some of the human dynamics Sheen is illustrating as possible far more functional in a Mormon/Respectful sphere of influence than using porn-anythings in place of parental figures, but with the #30 involved, you're basically just dealing with a lesser of the evils debate, which can undoubtedly get awkward fast.

The difference in human behavior once they've crossed certain line for/because of others or money is something they REALLY needs to be address clearly and specifically before they get brought or put into role modeling positions, but everyone is still free to reproduce, so welcome to how the world gets so f7cked up.

Now, that said, this ancient, archaic, and arguably abusive to the human psyche system is to blame IMHO.  The world just simple needs to handle some things different, it need idealized, optimized communal 'Care Team' child raising options far beyond anything these undermined nuclear family models are capable of on their own, and that same whole Slyvr Force construct that isn't police, isn't fire rescue, and isn't military needs to exist to completely handle things like this in a FAR, FAR, FAR superior way.

Involving the police in this culture is like an act of war, and people that are not conditioned, trained, and used to dealing with non-criminal have proven time and time again they are not remotely programmed or painted correctly to be brought into situations like this or even civil domestic disputes with seemingly causing infinitely more harm than good, because it just causes scarring/damaging memories for EVERYONE involved regardless of how they are misusing the enforcement arm or the justice system in blindsiding fashion, and as usual, no one is remotely thinking forward enough.

It takes complete additional system redesign options and people that will have to be the forerunning trailblazers, and although Charlie seems to have the right idea even coming from the worst, worst, worst case scenario in trying to patch existing oversights and wrongs, I think it will take an entire cultural or subcultural shift around created systems that will protect and raise children safely largely independent of specific actual parents if need be, but I'm talking about Dream Like Amusement Park School designs THAT DON'T EXIST YET, so that's the catch.

I don't have the millions or billions or dollars required to build the prototypes along with hidden star children for example and comparison, ironically because this old and absurd one has made the worst case example of itself in attacking my life after those other monsters used it to attack my life while being that high, out of the minds, and far beyond the pale in the first place...but everyone are just college-educated (at best) traditional-role-filling bricks in the wall, and like that Zeitgeist Movie versus trying to address this scenarios with traditionally assumed thinking, we have go start back at the foundation of existence itself and dissect and deconstruct every human element and situation that is, because like a crazy chain of existence where every mistake is somehow linked to and caused by previous mistakes, the cycles and problems have to be identified and broken first.

This is perhaps just a safer option given the circus, but IT'S THE CIRCUS nature of our society that is causing the collateral self-destruction.  Charlie just said "f7ck it" and is making an exaggerated point of illustrating the programming and taking he heat for it, but he, as a fun-loving male, versus those children and innocent lives he squirted out, are TOTALLY different things.

Just because some people have the capability to have children together doesn't mean they have the all-important other aspects of the equations taken care of or figured out, and that is where our society and even the top of the mountain itself seems to fail quite often.  Like tattoos, some things are permanent, and children need to be raised by parentally-minded humans who have been living their entire lives with that as a key point of behavior tempering. 

Bring those innocent living variables into equations at times that are not ready to fully focus on raised them to be better examples for the future are doing them and everyone a disservice, but obviously not everyone things as far ahead about things as others, and things change.

We just need a better way of seeing and addressing things, and better options for handling them.

Can you imagine being a baby animal brought into an unstable and traumatically turbulent environment?

Can you even look around at other examples from the lowest levels of society and see where all the REAL damage happens?

I mean f5ck, Charlie is the highest paid star on TV and his kids at least eventually have superior genetics to escape things if they don't become part of the cause, but the true victims of these sagas are not Charlie, his women or children, it's all the millions of clueless clowns that see these and the examples of rappers and think such behavior if OK for them - and it don't work like that, and our broken system becomes infinitely more broken while unseen as a result.

Yes?  No?  How many people have been hanging out t libraries and see the best example of the collateral damage there are every damn day?


VIDEO: Sheen's Kids Removed From His Home - Wendy Burch Reports

shared via Twidroyd

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