Saturday, September 10, 2011

More random dreams log - 9/10/11 The hill & auditorium.

So last night's dreams were less "interesting," but since I guess I'm now making a habit of recording them, may as well.  I only remember a short part of my first dream.  It was in some giant golf superstore warehouse-like complex slash gym I guess.  Everyone was working out or practicing their short game.  Tiger Woods was there practicing his putting, and Tyrone Robinson, the quarterback of my high school football team was there doing some push-ups.  I wasn't surprised he was thin and apparently not any great success in life as it comes with the territory of most you find coming from small town Texas, kind of Al Bundy style.  Towards the front of the building by the cashier there were some interesting golf accessory displays, but also a doorway to another attached store of some sort, I think it might have been clothing.  I went through the doorway, and possibly a slight drop-down, and was surprised to find in the other store I was weightless - in perfectly balanced microgravity, just like they are space, except there was an entire warehouse-sized box store to play with the effect in, so long as you were careful to jump and go flying through the air and gently back down in ways that landed safely in the aisles between clothes racks and didn't run into others just doing their clothes shopping as a few lightly bounced around.  This was one of the 'cool effect' parts of my dreams when, while in the dream, it feels as if I'm experiencing the same sensation in real life.  The same way I can sometimes fly in my dreams or trace-along a rollercoaster track giving myself the same sensation as if I'm doing it in real-life.  This was a cool realization, and so I spent quite about of time flying about the place from floor to ceiling and doing flips and stuff, just because it was fun and I could.  I don't think I had any money to actually go shopping with, but the microgravity was free so it didn't matter and I was having a blast.  Then woke-up, went to the bathroom, came back and watched whatever internet stuff I posted before dozing off back to sleep.  This time I found myself at the top of a huge multi-tiered hill, going down it on my bike at breakneck speed.  It was a paved street in a nice quiet neighborhood with no other traffic except for some dude on a bike going the other direction, gearing-down to go up the hill as I got towards the bottom.  It was wide and fairly steep, like something you might find in San Francisco, but not San Francisco, and when I say it was 'tiered' I mean it was steep and then flatten out for a bit, steep and the flatten, like the design of some waterslides I've seen or perhaps the side of a gently terraced mountain.  The interesting thing is this is the scene of a dream before.  At any rate, I was flying down the hill pretty much at the speed of gravity, with both the front and back brakes on my bike fully engaged but barely able to slow me down at all as I was going that fast and it was that steep.  I wasn't uber-concerned as there was a relatively long straight away at the bottom to gradually slow down on if necessary, well, except for all the cross-streets and stop signs that might result in getting blindsided.  Even with the brakes fully engaged and some concern that I might be burned the pads off just trying to control the speed, I somehow remembered that I had been in this situation before and realized that if I just kept squeezing them as hard as I could, as the hill gently flattened out towards the bottom, it would be enough to stop me.  Towards the end of the hill I slowed down enough that, rather come to a complete stop at the sign I just made an arching right-hand turn with the momentum and was lucky no cars were around, I then kept that momentum going for the short block to the next street over, hoping I could use a small amount of it to help me start getting back up the hill.  The street over was different though, not an undivided shady neighborhood lane, but a 4-lane divided roadway with no shoulder.  I made it a short way up between the momentum and some pedaling, but found myself getting fatigued as a car approached at a high rate of speed behind me, so I yanked my bike off the roadway onto the grass and stood there as the car passed, before I notice a giant church/auditorium/old theater-type building just a few hundred feet away.  Out of curiosity I went to go check it out, and found it to be what appeared to be an old abandoned theater of some sort, like one of those magnificent buildings you see in the ruins of Detroit photographs, but not in nearly as bad of condition.  It had the architecture of an old building that was built in the 1920's or 1930's, but the condition and feel as if it had been renovated in the 1960's and so all the carpet and such was in good condition, it was just empty and a slight bit musty.  It felt like I wasn't technically supposed to be there and yet it wasn't a big deal, like the worst that would happen is security would find me and tell me to get out or that I might fall through an unknown section of old flooring somewhere that I didn't know about.  Somehow when the scenes in this building begin I was on the 40-somethingth floor with Julian Assange and some other guys that kind of reminded me of those Lone Gunman hacker guys from the X-files, but then since we weren't supposed to be there in the first place, for some reason we had to split up, and he decided to try one route while I started going down a different stairwell.  By this time we realized security was in the building and it was sort of an 'uh oh' game of cat and mouse, and as I ducked into the first stairwell it was interesting to find a whiteboard with writing on it that said DOA and some other stuff on it, locked in a protective glass case in the same way they sometimes used those cases to protect the plastic-lettering-on-felt signs in churches.  I took this as a good sign that the building was actually recently used and therefore my chances of falling through and unknown rotten floor were minimal, but I was trapped in the stairwell having to make my egress down floor by floor slowly and quietly to avoid detection of other people I could hear in the building, although I didn't know who they were.  Since I found this whole experience extremely high-risk and interesting, I took out my Droid to take a picture of that sign, but had to be careful that it was in silent mode and considered just running constant video recording of the entire experience, but opted not to as I didn't know whether or not it would potentially get me in more trouble for being there in the first place.  In the stairwells, which were more than just stairwells, but more like 10ft x 30ft stairwells each with a flight of stairs leading to the floor below, there were places to hide in nooks and crannies, and all the walls were white with dark red carpeting, and these areas of the building felt older than the floors I would discover below, so I really had no idea how solid the ground on which I was stepping was.  After I had gone down a few floors, on one floor there was an aside to the stairwell, which itself had a separate narrow flight of roped-off stairs going back up as if to an auditorium upper-deck or VIP box.  I stayed on this level for quite some time analyzing the pros and cons of going over the velvet rope and up those stairs to see what the closed door at the top lead to, but in this area it smelled especially musty and it looked like the stairs had incurred considerable water damage at some point judging by the stains on the carpet about 2/3rds of the way up.  I spent a lot of time contemplating what might be behind that door, but was afraid it might open into an auditorium where people might be and they might notice and see me the second I cracked it open, so I opted not to risk it, and just continued my egress slowly down the stairwell, as I could hear someone coming down the stairwell from above me.  A few more floors down I found a level that opened up, and looked like it was in better condition and had been more recently renovated than the upper floors and stairwell, as this floor has some nice, in good condition 1950's or 1960's golden wheat colored carpet, and as I quietly snuck over to the center of the floor I was surprised and pleased to find a pair of double doors open to a huge auditorium, with the lights on, and a few people sporadically sitting about the giant auditorium.  I saw a few people carrying plastic bags full of stuff and dressed in business attire, or business attire over Jersey Shore-type hip hop guido clothes, so I realized I had now stumbled into a conference of some sort and now my priorities and concerns changed, as I was obviously there without a badge and official access pass.  I sat there silently hiding behind a 2-foot drop-off that provided access to a giant window on the front of the building and observed for quite awhile, only to realize this was some cheesy get-rich-quick or national security conference all these cheeseballs had signed up for, most likely in acts of desperation as the economy was in a recession headed towards depression or whatever.  I found this hilarious, sad, and cheesy all at the same time as I watched them takes notes like they were in some giant college lecture hall, then when I saw the 'star' guest speaker they had all some to see turn out to be that receptionist chick from The Office, I was just like WTF and was thanking God I hadn't actually paid to attend this thing like those other clowns, at the same time any fear or concern of getting caught for being there without and access badge disappeared because I was like "Who the f5ck would actually want to be here in the first place?" so I just followed the route I had seen a smattering of other people taking around the concourse of the auditorium, and just walked out without incident.

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