Monday, October 10, 2011

blah, blah, blah blind abandonment blah, blah, blah not funny or OK

Oh, and I got a free copy of one of those Zeitgeist DVDs I was talking about at the #OccupyLA even I was scoping out as that's my next campsite.  #punishingthevictim  You should really pay more attention enough to care about who I am as a human being.  I mean really.  Your behavior completely flies in the face of sane judgement and reality, and yet you won't even look at the reality in order to correct your self-entrenched thinking. 

Your not just not helping, your causing harm b/c of the blind way in which you exist on living in order to feel that way.  And it hurts and tortures my sanity in ways you can't even comprehend.  And that hurts.  You simply don't understand how much I've been through and how much I've been up to while you haven't even been watching or listening.  Even though I've been going through rather traumatizing dire straights and clearly suffering greatly.  Not b/c I'm a bad person, b/c I was REALLY wronged by many bad people, and yet your behavior has completely betrayed my story and character for going on 5 years now, and since all your excuses didn't happen as you keep trying to insist they did, when I finally get the money to get out of the catch 22 and make the documentary you're going to feel really guilty and really sorry for the way you treated me for the rest of our lives, b/c your completely incorrect label-pasting and logic is just turning and engineered real-life fairytale or hero's journey into a own-family-lineage nightmare, and in doing so sabotaged my entire programming from my entire youth and adult life story, and behaving in unsympathetic aggressive denial is just causing more harm.  I'm never going to let it go mother, because it's my life and character your lack of concern has been symbolically assassinating, and having spent my entire time working towards being some sort of super-human being in one way or several of others, it's just unthinkable that you would ever behave this way, because at some point you're not going to be able to ignore the problems that your WTF behavior compared to what it was before father died is f5cking up modern American history big time.  Pardon my French.

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